Thomson scattering

Digital Polychromator
General description Spectrum analyzing system for Thomson scattering (TS) signals registration and processing (hereinafter referred to as “system ”) is intended for laboratory plasma investigation by the Thomson scattering method in order to register local values of electrons temperature and density in plasma with detailed temporal and spatial resolution, as well as for recording, storing and processing the obtained data.

Thomson scattering optics
Optical system is intended to pass beam from the laser to plasma device, providing alignment of beam inside vacuum chamber and to collect scattered radiation. The system should be agreed with individual features of particular Thomson scattering diagnoistics.

ADC 5 GSPS 14 bit
High speed 8-channel ADC based on DRS4 chip FEATURES 8 50-Ohm terminated input channels with MMCХ connectors Active input buffers which result in an analog bandwidth of 700 MHz (-3dB).